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1081 Automatic Grab

self dumping grab

Technical Specifications

Single-rope crane grab for the loading and transportation of bulk material and loose earth by crane. Automatic grabbing with the closing and opening mechanism of the clamshell bucket.

The opened clamshell bucket is lowered onto loose material, the saws then close automatically when the grab is lifted. When lowered again the saws open allowing the grab to empty. Rugged construction, service-proven with numerous satisfied customers. High operational reliability and safety and easy to operate.

Optional with gripping teeth.


Type Cap.
1081.1 600 l
1081.2 800 l
1081.3 1000 l
1081.4 1200 l

1082 Block Grab

caged crane grab

Technical Specifications

With single-sided or double-sided lever arms and automatic relocation of the centre of gravity, special rubber jaws, rope suspension and plastic apron.


Type Cap.
with single-sided lever arm
1082.1 750 kg
1082.2 500 kg
1082.3 1100 kg
1082.4 1200 kg
1082.5 800 kg
1082.6 750 kg
1082.7 1000 kg
1082.8 1000 kg
1082.11 1250 kg
with double-sided lever arms
1082.9 1400 kg
1082.10 1400 kg
1082.12 1550 kg
1082.13 1550 kg
1082.14 1550 kg
1082.15 1550 kg
1082.16 1550 kg
1082.17 1550 kg

1083 Brick Grab

scissor grab

Technical Specifications

Specifically designed and developed for the UK market to lift palletised brickloads (Note: bricks must be securely bound). Suitable for handling all types of concrete products such as slabs, steel-strapped bricks, blocks kerb stones and paving blocks. Fitted with an automatic “open/closed” device that enables a single operator to stack or un-stack palletised bound loads.

Lined with hard rubber pads to minimise damage to the load.


Type Cap. Clamping range
1083.1 1500 kg 1090 – 1250
1083.2 1500 kg 860 – 1250
1083.3 1800 kg 740 – 1250
1083.4 1800 kg 610 – 1250
1083.5 1800 kg 640 – 1250
1083.6 1800 kg 980 – 1250

1086 Highway Divider

mechanical concrete clamp

Technical Specifications

Designed for the safe and reliable transportation of concrete protection wall sections of the “New Jersey” profile. Thanks to the enormous pressure exerted by these mechanical tongs, the rubber-lined jaws are capable of gripping soiled and wet sections with relative safety and without leaving any marks or damage.

With replaceable rubber-lined jaws and fully automatic opening and closing.


Type Cap. Clamping range
1086.1 4500 kg 110 – 210

1087 Tile Grab

roof tile clamb

Technical Specifications

For the transportation of roofing tiles in 1.0 m long loose-bound or shrink-wrapped packs; with replaceable rubber-lined jaws, protection cage and rope suspension with crane eyelet.


Type Cap. Clamping range
1087.1 200 kg 240 – 480
1087.2 200 kg 240 – 480
1087.3 400 kg 280 – 770
1087.4 400 kg 280 – 770

1088 Barrier Lifter


Technical Specifications

For safe and economic transportation and placement of road sections and other large concrete elements. All-purpose and fully adjustable gripper with automatic operation. Jaws made of diamond-hard metal.

The gripper is constructed according to the technical work regulations of the trade association.


Type Cap. Clamping range
1088.1 6600 kg 150 – 310

Kerb Stone Clamp

Technical Specifications

With one side lever arm operating for the transportation of precast concrete sections, primarily 1.0 m kerbstones, without a pallet. Wholly mechanical operation with all types of hoist.


Type Cap. Clamping range
1551.1 250 kg 900 – 1100

Manhole Housing Grab

Technical Specifications

Sturdy steel construction for the safe transportation and placement of shaft covers; both the frame and the cover.
The rubber buffers are replaceable.


Type Cap. Clamping range
1552.1 200 kg 750 – 785

Gully Grab

Technical Specifications

Sturdy steel construction for the safe transportation and placement of road gullies and cones.
The rubber buffers are replaceable.


Type Cap. Clamping range
1553.1 150 kg 460 – 560

Sheet Extractor

Technical Specifications

For the transportation and dragging of sheet piling, the pin opens and locks via cable pull.


Type Cap. Clamping range
1555.1 1000 kg 13
1555.2 3000 kg 16

Stele Grab

Technical Specifications

For the safe transportation and placement of steles  and gravestones. Designed for universal use due to large opening range, a robust shaft, a lug and replaceable rubber-lined jaws.


Type Cap. Clamping range
1568.1 1000 kg 15 – 245
1568.2 3000 kg 100 – 300

1558 Boulder Grab
mechanical grab

Technical Specifications

Designed for the safe transportation of irregularly shaped stones (boulder) or ashlar.

Optional: Available with two-piece crane sling


Type Cap. Clamping range
1558.1 1500 kg 650 – 1300
1558.2 2000 kg 750 – 1800

1562 Cassel Kerb Lifter
concrete product grab

Technical Specifications

Designed for the safe and reliable transportation and placement of precast concrete elements, kerbstones and similar.
Designed for universal use, with grippers with a wide opening width and fully automatic switching from full to empty.
The grab has been designed in conformance with official labour safety regulations.


Type Cap. Clamping range
1562.1 900 kg 100 – 520
1562.2 1500 kg 0 – 780
1562.3 1500 kg 100 – 1200
1562.4 2500 kg 50 – 760
1562.5 4000 kg 90 – 840

Mechanical Scissor Grab

Technical Specifications

Mechanical gripper for the safe and reliable handling of bulk building materials; with pockets for forklift prongs with manual turner and a suspension eyelet for crane operation; with exchangeable rubber clamping jaws and fully automatic change-over from full to empty. The gripper has been designed and built in accordance with the occupational health & safety rules and regulations by the German employers’ liability insurance association.


Type Cap. Clamping range
1563.1 1600 kg 400 – 1100
1563.2 1800 kg 600 – 1000
1563.3 2000 kg 600 – 1200

Rock Clamp

Technical Specifications

For the safe and reliable handling of irregular shaped blocks. A three-point anchoring system plus two moveable pivoting jaws ensure maximum safety while loading naturally shaped blocks.


Type Cap. Clamping range
1564.1 1000 kg 200 – 850

Mechanical Slab Grab

Technical Specifications

For the safe and reliable handling of steel strapped packages of interlocking pavers, kerbstones and slabs. With pockets for forklift prongs and suspension eyelets for crane operation. Fully automatic change-over from full to empty. Designed and built in accordance with the occupational health & safety rules and regulations by the German employers’ liability insurance association.


Type Cap. Clamping range
1566.1 800 kg 750 – 1000

1567 Square tongs for concrete Lego bricks

Technical Specifications

Simply lift the concrete blocks and move them precisely: Simply position the solid block tongs over the block using the crane. Placing it on the concrete block triggers the mechanism and the robust rubber jaws of the tongs automatically enclose the block for lifting and transporting. When setting down, simply lower the tongs completely onto the block by crane and the mechanism opens. Solid steel design, built in accordance with the occupational safety requirements of the trade associations.


Type Cap. Clamping range
1567.1 2500 kg 600

1568 Grab for Angular
Concrete Products

Technical Specifications

For the safe and reliable handling of L-shaped blocks. Manual weight counterbalancing through individual positioning and automatic change-over from full to empty.


Type Cap. Clamping range
1568.1 1000 kg 15 – 245
1568.2 3000 kg 100 – 300

Channel Clamp

Technical Specifications

Inside-gripping mechanical pliers for handling and relocating prefabricated elements for cable ducts; with fully automatic change-over from full to empty. A range of different auxiliary adapters ensures optimum adaptability to a variety of different cable duct sizes.


Type Cap. Clamping range Design
Clamp Basic
1569.1 500 kg 185 – 215
Adapter available in required size
1569.11 215 – 250 rubber grip
1569.12 340 – 375 steel grip
1569.13 520 – 555 steel grip
1569.14 270 – 305 steel grip
1569.15 370 – 405 steel grip
1569.16 470 – 505 steel grip
1569.17 570 – 605 steel grip

1570 Sheet metal tongs for crane

Technical Specifications

Tongs for lifting and transporting steel plates 1500 x 3000 mm. Made of round steel with Ø 35 mm, with single-point suspension and equipped with two handles on both sides for manual positioning during loading and unloading. Includes safety chain to prevent unintentional opening

The following options are available at an additional cost:
• Bespoke paint (RAL number required)
• Galvanised version


Type Cap. Clamping range
1568.1 5000 kg 1500

Subject to technical changes! Illustrations may also include accessories.